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Related article: got too much of a facer to induce those who like beauty to take much trouble about future field trials for retrievers, which, if given, seemed likely to result, as they had in the past, in the easy defeat of all that was handsome. The winner at Vaynol thirty years ago, like the winner at Compton on October 12 th and 13th, in this year, was a liver- coloured animal. He was for his appearance named The Devil. He professed relationship to the curly-coated varieties, but his grey muzzle and whiskers sug- gested some remote kinship to an otter hound. Nevertheless he won handsomely enough, and thereby hangs a story ; for the parson of the owner's parish seeing the name in the papers, wrote to pro- test that it was improper to take the name of his Satanic Majesty in vain. It may be that the appearance of the dog was too much of a libel on so well known a character. However, the parson suggested a change of name, the Squire objected, but as Order Valacyclovir a sort of compromise named the son of The Devil, or re-named him. Rector. But to complete the history of retriever trials in the short space at my disposal, it is necessary to skip the intervening attempts and come at the Compton meeting. Here there were ten dogs entered — moderate, ordinary dogs, for there has not yet been discovered a public performer brilliant enough to frighten away the ordinary re- triever found at every covert side, provided only he is steady. He must not run in, and he will not win if he wants to be told so very often. All the entries save one, were of the flat-coated black variety, and this one ^vas a meao looking little liver-coloured animal that at the meet escaped the critical attention of the experts. But this mean-looking little beast won from all the cracks by a very long way. And to complete the similarity with Vaynol thirty years before, the winner, like The Devil, was Welsh by birth. By way of proof of the moderation of the class, I may remark that the second and third turned up in first-season puppies. The manner of the trials was as follows : — Each man was obliged to shoot to his own dog, and on the first day it was par- tridge driving ; as a good many of the shooters did not often find the right spot, it goes without saying it did not exactly rain partridges, and therefore the proof of steadi- ness was not very exacting. In fact such an ordeal might be gone through by many a dog that has his head through a collar, when it is a warm corner and covert shooting. On the next day five of the dogs Valacyclovir Online that stood this test best were required to walk at their masters* heels during partridge shooting in line. Here it was hoped we should get a few runners and so we did ; not Buy Valacyclovir Online Cheap Valacyclovir many, and not enough, had there been any sort of evenness in the d900.] RETRIEVER TRIALS ON GAME. 403 Purchase Valacyclovir Online can be said of every retriever trial that has ever taken place is that not Order Valacyclovir Online nearly enough game was brought down to insure the dogs plenty of difficult worlc to do. I. W. Abbott's Rust, the win- ner, has already been described ; Abbott is keeper to Purchase Valacyclovir Mr. A. T. Williams, of South Wales, who also had a dog entered and ob- tained a certificate of merit. Rust first Valacyclovir Buy began by showing us what she was made of on the line of a wounded hare, which she ran as if. she had some nose to spare, and she brought back her game in quick time and workman- like fashion. She also got a run- ning pheasant very well indeed on the first day. Mr. C. C. Eley*s first-year dog Bergholt Dale, is re- markably handsome and a very taking, busy dog, but whether he has quite the nose ever to make a time-saving dog is somewhat doubtful. Possibly the only fault he exhibited was carrying the monopoly of a retriever — that of keeping the nose to the ground — too far. By this habit, or want of nose, whichever it is, he failed to get to the fall of a bird quickly enough to please the writer. A retriever, like a hound drawing covert, or a pointer on body scent, should know when to carry a high head. He cannot rode out his game too carefully, it is true, when the scent lies low, no more Buy Valacyclovir than a hound can, but both should be able to feel scent from a distance, especially body scent. However, he is a very good puppy, and far above the average of his handsome sort. On the second day he exhibited capital form. On one occasion, when he had once got upon the line of a running bird in turnips, he re- covered it after a quick and careful rode hunting. That was placing himself a little above Mr. F. M. Remnant's Wenhaston VOL Lxxiv. — NO. 490. Roy, who, although he had wiped the eyes of Captain Phipps Horn- by's dog on the previous day by getting a lost runner, did not show a stolid mind when rabbits were rushing about amongst rat- tling turnip-leaves. Mr. C. C. Eley's second string Bergholt Jane was put on to a running pheasant in turnips, and this she got on to, but her owner, believing the pheasant to be a dead one, whistled her off repeatedly. Dog and man being judged together, she was at last called up and Rust was sent on. This was a very decided wipe for Jane, for Rust got on to the rode without any bother, and although a hare crossed the line before she found it, she went away after the cock pheasant and saved him in capital style. Then Bergholt Dale had a try at another Mdnged partridge, and here his fault of hunting for a fall as closely as if he were on a failing line proved his undoing, for he took so long to get up to the place that the bird had not only gone far enough, but the scent had failed too. After a quarter of an-hour's busy perse- verance he was called up and Rust was asked to get the bird, but it was too late, and a failure. Then at the end of the last field Dale was given another try at a winged bird, and again a too long interval had passed, so that he failed to rode out the bird, but found it sitting in the far hedge. Mr. Remnant's Roy obtained third place ; he too, is only a puppy, but has a better way of finding the Buy Cheap Valacyclovir fall of a bird than Dale Generic Valacyclovir has. At least on one occasion he very cleverly went round, down wind of the bird, and came up to it